Inspection Services Consultants and Engineers |
Code Enforcement Specialists
Rental - Blight Inspections
Building - Plumbing - Mechanical - Electrical Inspections |
Inspection Services is recognized for it's service expertise, and attention to details in all areas specific to the community.
At Inspection Services, our services are tailored to the specific needs of your community. We have the capabilities to offer you the most comprehensive range of services for your community. Working with Inspection Services can result in the following benefits:
- Reduced Capital Expenditures
- Significant Departmental Savings
- Elimination of Service Complaints
Your Municipality Only Pays For The Time Required to Complete Specific Jobs |
Privatized services enables a community to save tax dollars by paying only for the direct cost of the task at hand. Thus, privatization is an avenue you may use to help achieve the best use of each taxpayer dollar.
Privatization And Your Economic Needs |
Our cost effective fee scheduling enables us to utilize our various job classifications on an as-needed basis. In the private sector, we can reduce the steadily rising costs associated with the management of municipal services.
Contact Information |